Thursday, November 20, 2008

Internet Archive: Details: Everyday Overdrive

For my audio project I combined sounds of an engine, flipping of playing cards, a soda being opened, and a human voice. I used Cool Edit Pro 2.1 to layer the sounds and make interesting effects. I used a lot of repetition as well as new sounds being introduced along the way. It is entitled EVERYDAY OVERDRIVE because they are everyday sounds combined to make an artistic piece. This was my first time ever using an audio editing program so it was pretty fun just playing around with the different tools. I think I could definitely get into editing audio for stage productions. It is challenging but not entirely impossible, which is nice! I was surprised at how once I experimented for a bit I was able to use the program comfortably. Since then I've been playing around with layering music of different kinds, which is going to be a nice skill to have in my experience with stage production. It was nice to have this introduction to audio to get my feet wet and become somewhat familiar with importing audio clips and layering them. My 18 yr old brother is incredibly savvy with these programs and does a lot of music production in his free time, so I am sure I will be learning all the fancy tools in no time. Until then, I am happy with my first little audio project.

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